Life is a puzzle.
It makes you think alot.
Sometimes excessively.
Cracking my head thinking why and why everything is happening?
what causes them to happen?
Why and why oh why sometimes when we wanted something so much, yet it does not come.
Is it playing games with us?
Sometimes something or someone came into our life, call it something or someone negative,
then they left, with full relief u thought to yourself that phew... finally it's all over,
yet u simply do not know why and how, the similar event you thought u have escaped may happen to you again, few months or few years later,
the same person who was bothering you, once again enters into your life, out of nowhere,
sometimes when you are about to forget them completely...
I don't know.
Life is full of challenges awaiting us to battle and fight at all time!
People. Human beings.
The only living thing that has the most similiarities with all of us,
are in fact the hardest living things for us to live in harmony with.
Sometimes when your evil-ness i call that, when your evil-ness does not reach that level yet,
you might keep wondering why on earth did this person do such terrible things to those around him,
what made him/her do such a dirty deed....
I don't know.
I read a book. Ami.
He says that when our heart is filled with love,
then everything we see, everything that appear in front of us will look beautiful.
Nothing will be ugly.
Is it true? Really true?
on another note,
I noticed i have been acting weird these passed few days.
Because of what someone has said and done.
Trying to tease,
Trying to put me down,
Trying to embarass me in front of everyone...
I'm so scared because i did not show any temper.
I did not show any temper because i didn't want the relationship to just spoil like that.
I still need to work with this person in the future...
I'm just scared if i just keep everything inside, it might cause me bad health!
I feel a little unsafe now.
from that day onwards..
I feel quite empty outside even if the place is filled with people.
I kept waiting for the same things to happen again like how it used to,
but it always disappoint me. :(
Something i did, they told me the person would normally do the same thing as well..
keep telling me about the person.
Perhaps i should just let go and just let it all go.
but it's not easy.
something that was carved in the memory.
It was not just sandcastles.
which can be demolished easily..
I dislike people coming and just leave like that.
although what they say,