Reiki Healing 霊気

I will going for Reiki Healing Level 1 This Saturday! (4th September 2010)

Anyone interested, do call the master surjit at 012 284 6615, or you may e-mail me at should you have any query.

It's a course teaching and attuning you to Reiki Healing. :)

"Reiki (霊気, English pronunciation: /ˈreɪkiː/) is a spiritual practice developed in 1922 by Japanese Buddhist Mikao Usui. It uses a technique commonly called palm healing as a form of complementary and alternative medicine and is sometimes classified as oriental medicine by some professional bodies. Through the use of this technique, practitioners believe that they are transferring healing energy in the form of ki through the palms. "

( Wikipedia,

Benefits of Reiki

1. Reiki can be used on animals, plants, children or any living being

2. Reiki is the highest form of healing energy, it is always safe and can never harm.

3. Reiki lasts a lifetime. Once you have the attunements, regardless of whether you use the energy consciously or not, it is always with you.

4. Reiki does not interfere with medical treatments; it actually enhances medications and assists the body to heal at an optimum rate

5. Reiki can be successfully combined with other healing methods and is a useful tool to have, which can be incorporated into daily life. It does not conflict with religious beliefs therefore it is a teaching that can be used by anyone.

6.It is available 24 hours a day, right there in your hands! :)

Let's become Reiki Healers, shall we?

begin with level 1, and if you are truly interested,

you can join the level 2 & 3, which enable you to do distant reiki healing.

It means that just by seeing a person's picture, wherever he or she is, you can channel healing energy to that person, anytime, anyplace!

can't wait for the attunement!!


God and People other than God has answered my prayers :)

Always wanted a room with good feng shui.

It's always been messy, pilling up, min suggested the relocation of the lacy chest drawers.

I've been busy, and wanted to do it later. you know, like later, like tomorrow, and that later and tomorrow never come.

Tonight i came home after Yoga, my room was neat. The room suddenly felt brighter.

My prayers were answered. I think it is Min who did it. I'm sure.

Thank You so much Min, I LOVE YOU!!!! :)))))))))))))))))

Touched :)

Currently spending more time on Yoga Centre. I'm so glad that at least one of my dreams, can be fulfilled there :) You know, i'm really glad and grateful about that.

I remember I have told sir about it. Maybe he did not plan it on purpose, maybe he don't even remember that i said something like that, but it just happen.

Really Thankful :)

By the way, i've started to use Melaleuca, and love the product every bit.

The natural products, a definitely go green product :) I'm Fashionably Green now, hehe :)

Yiung, you should try it soon, you environmentalist! Let's go shopping at Melaleuca Store.

For the US & UK friends, Melaleuca is there too. :)

Help to save the world, and protect your family from dangerous & cancerous chemicals from home products!

I think i will not be a good marketing executive for Melaleuca.

Because i love the products so much, and it will make me sound like a hardcore sales woman who will just tell every potential customers how good and how great the products are...........

I sound like i am in love with Melaleuca. By the way, i really am!

Yiung, at least i'm nearer by one step to your world now, Your Green World. :)

Oh yeah, maybe i should stop telling people how good the products are. Try it yourself.

And let the products speak the quality. :)



Can you believe it?

I can't even find someone to watch it with me :(

ok i only asked yiung, but i dont know i am tired!!

i wanna watch it. maybe gonna watch it alone then. :(



別否認 你一定做過至少一样以下的蠢事!
Q1. 用手插入米缸的米裡面插來插去 ?
Q2. 地下有階磚時,特意隔一格一格來走(不可走過界,要完全在格內)
Q3. 用鏡面反射陽光,照來照去
Q4. 鋪張紙在硬幣上面,然後用鉛筆在上面描,描個形出來
Q5. 吃完口香糖之後,將糖紙包回原本四四方方的形狀出來
Q6. 超級市場踩著購物車行走
Q7. 貼張寫著「我是白癡、我是笨蛋 」之類的的紙條在同學的背後
Q8. 拍別人左邊 站在別人右邊 或 拍別人右邊 站在別人左邊
Q9. 踩別人的影子
Q10. 丟或踢別人門口的拖鞋
Q11. 下樓梯時坐在扶手上面滑下來
Q12. 在手扶梯上往相反方向走
Q13. 用螢光筆塗在指甲上
Q14. 下雨打傘,總是故意地轉那把傘
Q15. 家裡沒人時,對著鏡子學跳舞/演戲/唱歌
Q16. 在街上見到狗就扮狗(貓)叫,見到貓就扮貓(狗)叫
Q17. 下雨的時候,拿起傘故意往雨大的地方走去,聽雨啪啪的聲音感覺很爽
Q18. 玩墊包裝裡的那張有很多泡泡的塑料膜,把泡泡一個一個按破
How about you??
saw this in facebook, and just wanted to publish here for all you people to see it haha.
See how many silly things that we have done in the past, but sure will make us smile and smile again, even after so long :))
I secretly like doing Q14 the most. haha

And Min, er.. we just did Q6 at Ikea last week! feels so fun ! :P

Btw, just for you guys to have a great time laughing at your silly self ;)
p/s: Darling do you remember we have such great laugh at Tropicana City Mall about sms which says something like this? haha... and i know what u have done before hehehe :P

Check out my new book shelf!

Just bought it from Ikea yesterday! Thanks min min for spotting it and helping me to set it up and everything else! Love you min! :-*Love my new six storey bookshelf too! It's about 70% occupied already... :-P

Allow & have Gratitude

Allow, and things will flow naturally the perfect way.

Have Gratitude, and all great things will come easily.

It's not just the word 'thanks' or ' thank you', it is being grateful in your heart for all the things you have been given and enjoyed in your life,

but not having the thought that it's a must, or obligatory that others must provide this this that to you.

Well, if you know what i am trying to convey :)

Thank You Maxis for the super great plan! being loyal is a good thing shown here.

I have got many many free stuffs and rebates from Maxis hehe

Thank You so much!! I'm so happy. :))

Other than that,

on a rather low-vibes note,

people are dying one-by-one.

In just these few months.

I just got a news from sir that Joyce, someone i have met in the workshop (9 months long if not wrong), have just passed away last night.

A mother of a small daughter, not more than 4 / 5 years old.

I just saw the husband last tuesday getting some treatment CD from sir.

Well, the uncertainty of time of death.

Rest In Peace, Joyce. May all be good & fine.

Ah hun a jim, i hope you are at a more beautiful place now.

as you have done alot of good deeds, and have done alot of chantings :)


Two of them died of Cancer.

Yesterday, someone from Muar called my dad and said someone has just passed away.

I am unsure whether my dad is capable of handling so many death news or not.

Last week went Funeral for siu mui gu gu ( also cancer) , and came back receiving news that ah hun ajim just passed away too.

Luckily few ten minutes later, they called again, telling dad that the uncle who was announced dead by the family, was successfully saved by the doctor. phew..

people, please take very good care of your health alright?

For all the dead, hope all will be well and fine. hope all has ended all the suffering.

Well, that's all about it.

Should stop focusing too much about death & cancer & all that saddening things.

I hope Uncle Loh, will be recovering very soon.


Yummy pan mee with curry soup base. First time trying. It's really nice!but i feel guilty now cuz having yoga later Hahaha. Please don't tell anyone please.. :-P