
God and People other than God has answered my prayers :)

Always wanted a room with good feng shui.

It's always been messy, pilling up, min suggested the relocation of the lacy chest drawers.

I've been busy, and wanted to do it later. you know, like later, like tomorrow, and that later and tomorrow never come.

Tonight i came home after Yoga, my room was neat. The room suddenly felt brighter.

My prayers were answered. I think it is Min who did it. I'm sure.

Thank You so much Min, I LOVE YOU!!!! :)))))))))))))))))

Touched :)

Currently spending more time on Yoga Centre. I'm so glad that at least one of my dreams, can be fulfilled there :) You know, i'm really glad and grateful about that.

I remember I have told sir about it. Maybe he did not plan it on purpose, maybe he don't even remember that i said something like that, but it just happen.

Really Thankful :)

By the way, i've started to use Melaleuca, and love the product every bit.

The natural products, a definitely go green product :) I'm Fashionably Green now, hehe :)

Yiung, you should try it soon, you environmentalist! Let's go shopping at Melaleuca Store.

For the US & UK friends, Melaleuca is there too. :)

Help to save the world, and protect your family from dangerous & cancerous chemicals from home products!

I think i will not be a good marketing executive for Melaleuca.

Because i love the products so much, and it will make me sound like a hardcore sales woman who will just tell every potential customers how good and how great the products are...........

I sound like i am in love with Melaleuca. By the way, i really am!

Yiung, at least i'm nearer by one step to your world now, Your Green World. :)

Oh yeah, maybe i should stop telling people how good the products are. Try it yourself.

And let the products speak the quality. :)

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