Last few moments of 2008...

oh yeah.

it's that time of the year again. :)

like one more day before the year 2008 elapses.

New Year Resolutions, Anyone?

i have not done mine.

Never really had them for quite some time.

wanted to do this, for how long.

i feel that i am even more busy during the holidays :P Proscrastination la.

And because everyone is going to be so so so busy tomorrow at work or whatsoever,

i will be the one going out to get the New Year Eve preparations done.

get that Big tub of ice-creams, duck, party packs..... all that. preparing for tomorrow's night.

Yes. All will be here! except for dajie who is so stupid at Langkawi.

wei, who is going to open our Sparkling Juice for us!!!

oh yeah. talking about New Year Resolutions,

u had any?

to save time.

i think i better think of them while blogging.

not much time left for 2008!!!

1. control the intake of my food. not calories, but try to take in good and healthy food.
less oil, less frying.., siham, lala...
(cancers are just like flu nowadays! its so scary ok, everyone please take care and i belive it's time to start a healthy lifestyle.)

2. sleep early, rise early! (very very extremely difficult for me but i will try, really)

3. drink lots and lots of water. (pimples must go away!! i'm already 21! still young i know but...)

4. cultivate deeper patience. i admit i have really low EQ. but sometimes i do think that people with high EQ are actually not that genuine afterall. but whatever, we all need that stupid fake EQ at the corporate world if u actually want to survive in there! And of course, it comes in need too when facing some relatives and family members!

(for instance, menopause parents, problematic sibblings, bad tempered whoever, and those who are very small gas, dont kacau lah. just smile and smile and go! don't simply talk! hehe! *just some eg. readers don't be so sensitive*)

5. i slowly recognize that being too real and honest is not a very good thing in the social world.
people just want to hear nice things, positive remarks, and nice things and positive remarks.
Beautiful lies? ok. easy job. i just dont talk lor...

6. Don't just get Angry or upset so easily!
breathe in 123,321.... and... S-m-i-l-e..... slowly.. and deeply from the heart. :)
( seriously i want to be very +ve, +ve and +ve already! no lie! no more tears no more!! )

7. Love my parents and the elderly more!
( They are always right....... just like customers are always right......)

8. Be true and be a friend to everyone! :D Welcome, if u are sincere too!

9. Be more decisive! Lamb Chop or Chicken Chop? Barley or YuenYong? Pink or Black?
( Stop caring too much about others! Listen to your heart, and just do what u feel like doing!)

10. Visit My Gong Gong and Po Po more often. i reckon that i have neglected them alot this year.
Very hectic third year of Uni. ( I mean, how often can we visit them in the coming future?
Show them you do care. They are actually very important.
Without them, Where is your dad and mom, and where art thou?)

11. Sense of Directions. Sense of Directions. Sense of Directions.
( If there is such pill, i would be the first to get it)

12. Buy things only when i really like it, and when i really need it, not just because it's Cheap! or
got discount.... sweat. =_="

13. Love Everyone more. Less distinctions between You and I. Be happy for everyone :)

14. Sit up straight. Good Posture. No hunching.

15. Stop all the Negative thoughts, and Welcome to the Year of Positive 2009!! :D

16. Read and learn more on anything and Everything!
Know at least abc of everything! and try to know the xyz of those which are useful and
those that i'm interested in ! ( Life is a never ending learning path, u agree with me?^^)

17. Be more passionate and enthusiatics and also pay more concentrations and be more
serious in every little or big thing that i'm doing! Be it brushing teeth or making my bed!
Try to aim for perfections! Nobody says being Perfectionist is wrong!

18. Listen more and Talk less.
Say more good things, and let go the evil thoughts.

19. oh yeah i better go to bed earlier, it's already 12.46. and they say when the clock strucks at 12am tomorrow, whatever you are, will be whatever you are going to be for the rest of 2009!
so will you just welcome the lovely 2009 with the warmest heart??

Hope Everyone has a fulfilling and great year ahead!

May all wishes come true :)

May Happiness, Good Health, Good Fortune, and Positive Companies surround you always

May Faith, Strength, Strong Determination, and Patiences accompany you during your hard time.

but most importantly,

May it be a Smooth Sailing 2009 for all of us!! :D

~Make Each Day Count~

i saw mommy kissing santa claus.....

..underneath the mistletoe last night.....

Merry Christmas Deariesssss :D

so so so happy that christmas is finally here.

i mean, uh, Christmas Eve!! haha.

i enjoy looking at christmas deco so much!!

and and and listening to very happy jolly Christmas Songs!! :D

it's best if it snows here in Malaysia. :P

don't really celebrate like what Christian does,

but we do have a Christmas Tree at Home!!

at our family hall here! :D

the pics are in the camera, my sis took it out already.

will definitely show u next time!!

and we are gonna exchange presents among us sisters.

very headached. seriously. haha. how to buy.


went to Pyramid just now..

gosh, was really crowded!

did everyone take leave today?

or can i conclude that it's our culture that we are always Last Minute-r?


damn crowded.

especially those stores with christmas gifts, and wrapping services.

like Memory Lane, S&J... i am so exhausted.


and nobody is home.

all sisters went out. da jie blowing her hair. going to bf house later too aw.

but yes we are going Pizza Uno later i hope!! :P

oh yeah..

Enjoy Your once in a year Christmassieeeee!! :D

Merry Christmas!! ^^


想不到,他的歌, 疗伤力不俗。

阿牛的歌,小 时候常听的。

现在再听,简简单单 的曲子,依然 韵 味不 减。

"什么时候才能 对这世界没有怨言 啊。。"

"周围的车子怎么越跑越快,周 围的房子怎么也越起越快,童年的足 迹都已经被取代。。"


心情不是很 稳定。。

我终于明白 电视上常 说的 :"我想要一个人静一静"。

不否认,有时的我是个很悲 观的人。。悲 观到你也无法相信。。

陈年旧事,不能说我还记得一清二楚, 但 别休想我已把 它们忘得一干二净了。。




他们说,别为了小小的挫折而 伤心绝望。。

我从来就不是 电视迷。

自己扭开电视 更是罕事。

但,今天的我。。足 足 对了电视一整天。。

似乎逃避著什 么似的。。






你怎么能笑嘻嘻地,一脸无事的任由他那 样亏待你呢?

我从来就不大喜欢在大家面前笑 嘻嘻, 整天摆 出一副 讨人欢喜的模 样。。


假兮兮, 我不喜 欢。

做人太多的原 则,


其实,可以大哭一 场是件好事。





但,你想见到我伪装出来的快乐吗 ?














不想 说给谁 听。


WEeeeee!! so handsome! :P
i want to be your Bella too >_<
oh loo. here it is. your Jasper. haha

thanks girls for watching it with me. although u guys have watched it once. haha.
but i know u both are still very happily and willingly to watch it for the second time with me :PPP
it's funny though. i read New Moon, and towards the end only i knew it was the continuation of this Twilight story. haha. i-am-so-damn-blur-and-out.
how i know wo. when i bought that New Moon Story, i thought it was a one book story. beside it was only Eclipse.
No Twilight ok =P
so. when i watch Twilight last night at Cineleisure,
i kinda know every character.
who is who.
i see the expression of the guy.
oh must be Mike.
then the doctor.
oh that must be Carlisle. hahaha.
and we 3 we arguing about how to pronounce that.
eh eh gtg gtg!! see ya!!!

we still love u

although u will be very very very far away from us very soon!

come back fast yeah?

starting to miss you already...

(p/s : Penang was just a lie. we will definitely wait for u! ;P)

blog more often to update us about you ok??? :)


不能不推荐的一 本 书。

它的归类,是 成长童话。

而且,作者 还 警告成年人勿看 !

我,很高 兴书展当天,我并没因此而 把 它放下。

小小本的 故事 书,



别被它表层上的故事 给欺 骗了!

里边深藏 着许许多多你意想不到的大道 理 !!

不晓得Popular会有吗 ?


要找寻它也 不 难 吧...

只怕有心人 ...!!

你是怎么飞起来的?”我问的是他那令 人 难以置信的滑翔。

“我想象自己是一 只 鸟 。”他在海 滩上快乐地奔跑。

P/s: it was first published in Spanish (1986) by the author Enrique Barrious

~ Ami, The Child of the Stars~

i do not know about the spanish version.

but the book is heavenly awesome.

i seriously cannot not recommend to everyone of you. :)

i just finished reading this book few minutes ago.

and i'm planning to have a second read,

very soon.

*我其实有个Link..只给很 想 很 想 读的你*

好好 享受 吧 ! ;)


阿米说,不要为还没有发生的事情 担心,

因为那样我们的心就像被催眠一 样,

看不到生活的 美 丽风景,

不能发现生命的奇 迹...

i just can't stop browsing!!!!!

eh i so wanna shop online and buy damn alot of clothes can??

so many pretty dresses.

but not sure the sizes are suitable or not.

and some are so expensive!! argh!

and i so wanna start my own online store ok??

cuz it's really sad to see some selling really poor quality clothing!!

will not name any. don't worry. :P

but i think i know where most of them get their clothes from.

and if i wanna start one. gotta really hunt for really nice quality and gorgeous pieces of course!

don't want those looking really cheap ones ok!!

but definitely can't go to that place. unless i am damn good at searching haha.

ah i'm just thinking.

just thinking...
things like that should never have happened in the first place.

how could she just deal everything like that regardless of what people think?

especially the parents of hers?

who have been so worried about her.

i don't know.

freedom. they say.

freedom for choosing your own friends. freedom for speech. even freedom for choosing your own partner regardless of the suitable gender?

sometimes it's so difficult to come out from all these cultures.

something that have been taught for years, something that have been going on for centuries.

they say. be more open minded. accept the truth that all the things u see now are merely illusion.

nothing is real, until you realize them.

so they say.

believe in any religion, in any god.

after all, all god are identical.

they are all one.

it's we human who have differentiated them.

it's we human who have separated ourselves.

when u say be open. how open can u be. how open are u willing to open up yourself?

they say. don't limit yourself. go for everything you want.

but these rules have been made since ages!

and you want us to change?

if we do change,

and others doensn't.

does it make any difference??

does it make any difference???

i don't know.

i don't know.

sometimes i am so confused by others.

and most of the time by myself.

Saturday Night

There we are at Izzi Uptown.

My Pink Guava vs Her Mango Juice

Soup of the Day is a must.

~Cream of Mushroom~

Addicted to Caesar Salad .

can't u see it from my face?

and hers as well?

especially love the bread crumps here.

Pollo Tropicale Pizza

(mushroom, chicken, mozarella cheese, garlic, tomato...)

who can resist cheese? certainly not me.

Fettucini Con Funghi

(caution : very extremely creamy....)

(for the best, go for Pizza Uno's fettucini Carbonara)

( for the second best, this is the right place.)

Spicy Italian Sosis(sausage) Lingu

have insufficient space for the above items.

Let alone Desserts.

who says there is always a space for dessert??

well, u must be wondering why on earth did we order so much!!

tell u what.

Izzi has probably gone crazy.

75% discount
for selected food items

(applicable to all above+many more)


RM75 and above for dine in.

RM150 and above for take away.

Who said we can't get Good food at cheap prices??

don't wait.

Time and Tide wait for no man.

so does Izzi i guess?

cuz i don't know when will Izzi suddenly turned normal and tada, no more 75%! :P

p/s: tzee yeen dear, there u are the food post :P

i didnt go to Pizza Uno but the menu here is quite similar to that of Pizza Uno!


my sis going feng tau. haha.


she's the only one among the 5 sisters who can put on a pair of Jeans so nicely!!

and she's the slimest among us too!

so jealous. :P

how i wished i have longer legs too! aw..


老爸的旧 同事们心血来潮,

到我们家 Gathering ..

但有事先通知 啦!


所以,叫了 Cathering lor!

我们也有口福 叻! 嘻嘻 ! :P

Nasi Briyani

Sambal Sotong

这是妈妈亲自下厨的炸蝦 !

从小吃到大的 Karim 鸡腿。。 :P

最爱的 Rendang Mutton!

你, 垂延三尺了 吗? 哈哈 :P

P/S:糟了,我 最近 Blog的怎么几乎都是吃的 !!

URGENT: 谁要和我一起到 Taman Tun Park慢跑???!

(我快 跑不行啦,除 非 你真的很想目睹我上 气不接下 气的模 样。。。>_<)

Who says our English is teruk??

Who says our English is teruk.?

Just see below - Ours is simple,short,concise, straight-to-point, effective etc......... ok!!


Britons: I'm sorry, Sir, but we don't seem to have the sweater you want in your size, but if you give me a moment, I can call the other outle ts for you.

Malaysians: No Stock.


Britons: Hello, this is John Smith. Did anyone page for me a few moments ago?

Malaysians: Hello, who page?


Britons: Excuse me, I'd like to get by. Would you please make way?

Malaysians: S-kew me


Britons: Hey, put your wallet away, this drink is on me.

Malaysians:No-need, lah.


Britons: Excuse me, but do you think it would be possible for me to enter through this door?

Malaysians: (pointing the door) can ar?


Britons: Please make yourself right at home.

Malaysians: Don't be shy, lah!


Britons: I don't recall you giving me the money.

Malaysians: Where got?


Britons: I'd prefer not to do that, if you don't mind.

Malaysians: Don't want la...


Britons: Err. Tom, I have to stop you there. I understand where you're coming from, but I really have to disagree with what you said about the issue.

Malaysians: You mad, ah?


Britons: Excuse me, but could you please ! lower your voice, I'm trying to concentrate over here.

Malaysians: Shut up lah!


Britons: Excuse me, but I noticed you staring at me for some time.. Do I know you?

Malaysians: See what, see what?


Britons: We seem to be in a b it of a predicament at the moment.

Malaysians: Die-lah!!


Britons: Will someone tell me what has just happened?

Malaysians: Wat happen Why like that....


Britons: This isn't the way to do it here let me show you,

Malaysians: like that also don't know how to do!!!!

See, isn't it simple,short,concise, straight-to-point, effective etc......... ?

hahahaha... got this from Jasmine through email just now!


who Says our English is teruk!! :P

oh my

can't believe i am doing this again.
playing Checkers online with sis.
at 4.18am.
i think she afraid being alone at sri pelangi hotel laaaa hahahaaa
go sleep with mommy la! :P

da jie at muar

I can't believe i'm doing this for her.

she can't wait to see the Astro on Demand's

"When Easterly Showers Fall on the Sunny West "



adjusting all the webcam, mic and all nearer to the television to let her watch through internet far away from Muar!!

haha but she gave up after 5 to 10 minutes cuz can't hear them talking haha....

so funny la. walao.

i don't think anyone else does that right.......HMMM

Tonight's Dinner...

Yeah.. At Italianies with ah min! :D

and we are here for the 4 Choices of Pasta at only RM29.90!!

choose 4 from 10!! :D

ordered their Lunch Size Caeser Salad.

with cheeseeee one.. DAMN NICE OK.

tried this once at Jasmine Birthday Party and immediately fell in love with this salad haha.

According to Jasmine, u can get it Friday's and Chilly's too with the same dressing :)

Their Grape Shake. Freshly blended.

Sweet.......I likeee. ;)

While waiting for our Pasta.....

Yeah it's finally Here!! Deng Deng Deng Deng!! :P

Let me introduce them to You one by one.
from top left to bottom left:
Classic Carbonara,
Angel Hair Pomodoro,
Chicken Lasagna,
Chili Shrimps.
Looks very Yummy right?? hahaa..

The chilli shrimp one didn't have much taste.
i think the chef forgot about the salt :P
so we started adding pepper, salt, vinegar.........
weeei... Not bad wei! haha.

The Angel hair one.
i don't know.
tasted abit like Wantan mee ler hahaha
the pasta la.. not the sauce don't worry :P
so i added some vinegar too hahaa.
gosh. we so enjoying their vinegar ok!
I don't know thought it would be cheap,
but the bill came out to be RM57++ haha.
OK la. for two persons.
and for that kind of Atmosphere.. hehe i likeee!

Was really full and we couldn't finish the Carbonara..

but min is looking to see what to order for the next time???!!
haha. overall not bad. i recommend the carbonara and the lasagna!

oh yeah. just a beautiful doll i saw in a shop at One Utama too.

very pretty isn't it???

look at the gorgeous dress...

so laceyy..

somemore the promoter damn nice allowed us to take picture ok?

not like some damn lanci oneeeeeeeeee. chehh.. blek.


i so wanna tailor made one for myself okk..

but must be damn expensive.

aww...... :(
who wants to sponsor me? Hehehee :P

Happy Sunday! :D

went to Ketam for Steamboat today with family. at Ikano.

one pot per person. and u can order anything u like.

those available in the menu. of course.

tomyam soup base or clear soup, your choice.

i prefer the tomyam one. it's damn good.

Oh Spicylicious~

we had one seafood set for two.

dad ordered this fish paste set.

u can shape the fish paste in anyway u like if u are able to :P

and my favorite.

Sliced Lamb Set!!

comes with those cabbage, chicken roll, fish balls....... as well!

ok Ready, Get Set, GO!!

turn on the gas, throw everything in the pot! :P
everyone looking so busy!

Weee!!~~ are u hungry already?? :P

ah. how can a steamboat dinner goes on without the chilly sambal sauce.

They had this sambal chillie made in house i guess.

i forgot to take a pic of the one i made for myself.

mixing myself i mean.

if u wanna try it too,

mix the green one, with the red one. and plus the fried onion. SUPER delicious ok!! :D

afraid the sambal might be too spicy for u??

Get some help from their Fresh Orange Juice! :P

Never Forget this so called small yee mee.
i think it tasted like maggi mee.

but alot more delicious!! no Kidding!

my favorite with the tomyam soup. Slurp Slurpz! :P

added one extra. RM1 only ok!

but mom thought it was quite expensive for a yee mee so small size.

haha whatever. very nice maaaaaaaaaa!!

damn alot of ppl ok!

but the waiting for half an hour is nothing at all.

the meal is seriously that delicious! :P

look at their faces then u will know...

so happy le my baba and mama! :P

haha. slurp slurp!

but of course, we will go earlier next time to avoid the crowd!

alright, enough for today! love ya all! muax. :D

p/s: oh yeah. forgot to mention. i bought myself one Pretty wooden Horse Necklace.

but i don't know when to wear it. haha.

it looks so lovely... love it so much!

so happy.. dalala~~