she's so adorable, isn't she?? :)))


do u know this is what i am doing till 2am now? since one am :P

neglecting my performance assignment. on and off. on and off :P

u know, its so weird, i'm sure the last time i saw was at least 10 years ago :P
but u know just the sudden thought of her making me feel like seeing her immediately!!

but u know. it really does bring back some memories. ;)

lovely lovely .... ! ^_^

most importantly, it is making me feeling so stressfree and good! :D

but it's so difficult to get a video which can be fully downloaded... that's the sad part lor.

but well,

if u are really interested to know only click on it ok.

Just for the inner child of yours, my sweetheart. ;)

p/s: that wishing well song is really nice! i like it so much.

gotta sleep now. have a class at 10am tomorrow! love you people. ;)

" i'm wishing... for the one i love.. to find me... today..."

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