
我还不是很想睡 .. 喉咙有点不舒服,应该是发热气了.. 头也开始痛了起来.. 不该吃的roda snack 我吃了一整大包!! 该少吃的榴莲还吃得不少呢! 贪吃的后果啦..hmm.. There's so many things that i want to do right now. But still on and off. On is more for sure but sometimes i wonder is it that important to achieve all that? Do they worth my time and effort? My mom told me the other day, when we are young should work hard and 去拼 , 老了才可以"跷起脚"来坐享其成 . Maybe i should really give it a go. No matter what. I can still tell to myself. I have tried. :) let's do it for our youth shall we?


tomato yeen said...

Us!! hehee =)) yea.. we should give it a try. take care dear.. drink more barley...

MissCheanVoon said...

hehe drinking alot now! :)