is being childish a bad quality?

oh yeah!

my little sister bought me such a cute tart from Bakerzin! :D

u know i don't really like sour fruits like strawberries,

but i still finished up all the strawberries! hehe :P


i love special treatment from anyone ;)

well, who doesn't ? :)

i mean,

don't u feel all nice and happy when u are being treated differently in a good way? ;)

like receiving something *Specially* for You?

i don't know.

sometimes i just feel like a kid.

i have heard of people saying me being mature and all..

but sometimes i find myself quite childish too.

i know of a friend who called me childish also.

is it a bad thing to be childish??

like i remember i used to see some ppl calling others childish when they see them doing stupid things.
but oh come on,

isn't that life?

don't anyone of u miss those times during your childhood?

when u always do things without having second thoughts?

the freedom.. ah..
so unforgetable.

i don't know why,
but i feel like i am really childish at times.

like recently,

i am digging up all those story books which we bought in primary school :P

and reading them makes me feel like life is actually very simple and beautiful!
it's not always that complicated like what u read in adult novels :X

i admit i sometimes have the VERY VERY EXTREMELY EMO SIDE of me which might frighten u very much,

but well,

i have a childish side of me too.

like, do u know the kiddy side in me actually love to bite ppl? :P

like anyone who is willing/unwilling to let me bite haha :P

if u think u are very matured and have no childish thoughts or actions at all,

u are very much in Denial.

i'm sure of that! :P

haven't u heard of this saying?

" there is an inner child in every soul! "

something like that.

i'm not sure where i have heard it.

but u know,

i heard that soul is actually the purest form of You.

it is always our minds, our thoughts which are making us doing evil things,
commiting evil crimes..

i mean, if everyone is willing to let the inner child in him out,

i'm sure the world will be a better place.

so much better, so much more beautiful and peaceful :)
and also,

if we let the child in us to come out to guide us in life,

i'm sure we are able to face everything positively,

even in the worst scenario that u can think of.

i think kids are so much more daring and adventurous than most of us.
and most importantly, Optimistic.

u know sometimes

i think my mom is a very cautious kind of person.

in everything she does and says.

she just wanna ensure no one gets hurt and no one gets ill-ed feelings of what she does and says,

and nothing she does will ever become a backstabbing topic for others.

and through her life teac
hings towards us,

i'm sure i've been shaped to become one as well.

like being extra careful in what i say,

and what i do.

in order to be fair to everyone.

Acting in Neautrality,

that's what i should call it i think.

i believe it is a very good quality,

and i'm not talkin bad about my mom.

not at all.

like i know my mom is a perfectionist,

and she wants everything to be done perfectly,


or at most, with Minimal mistakes.

but usually that is not allowable in her dictionary as well.

i mean,

wouldn't it be nice if we sometimes just act like a kid and do whatever that we feel like doing?

remember what i said?
if u are following,

there is an inner child in every soul,

and soul will only do good things and generate good thoughts.

and if we just do things in a kiddy way,

meaning being braver,

less cautious,

feel more free and open to do things we feel like doing,

doesn't that make life more fun and enjoyable?

and children cries and forgets.

i'm sure there will be less hatred as there is always forgive and forget!


there will be less pretentious ppl.

who always fake it.

in the things they act,

the words they utter,

and the way they behave.

How nice if we are all acting childishly,

i cannot imagine how nice and beautiful the world is going to be!

even nicer than rainbows...?

oh my god.

i don't know.


i think it's time for me to go study and doze off soon.

i think i'm talkin too much tonight.

last words for u where i read it from somewhere else some time ago.

" Do u know that how u live your day,

is actually how you live your life ? "

i hope this quote will really change your life.

i shall stop here.

take care everyone.

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