u know i nearly banged a human being down with my car?
i don't know whether i have protection shield or that lucky man is just too lucky or either way,
but if i were to drive abit. just ABIT faster. he could die straight infront of me.
stupid man.
cross road no need to look left right mer?
don't u know we have blind spots while we are in cars?
those ppl.
mind you, i was only driving on a speed of 30km/hour.
i hate those pedestrian who does not look after their own lives,
just crossing the road like no body's business.
i tell u.
we were just few cm apart.
that was crazy.
he somemore stared at me.
i somemore wanna stare at him le!!
don't tell me u expect to cross road like this and expect EVERY CAR TO see u?
oh gosh.
these ppl.
of course we drivers have to keep an eye to u reckless pedestrians as well,
but it's a two way thing. ok.
get it clear.
Anyways, i don't know whether this is a co-incidence or what.
but i went out with my friend yesterday.
and he said something like "i've never fall sick in the past few years"
something like that, i forgot the exact topic. but it was just very Pantang kinda topic.
then i told him,
" do u know that u are not suppose to say things like that?"
" like, i've never gotten fever for very long d... i've NEVER BANGED INTO ANYONE while driving..."
then my friend was like thinking it was just Pantang larang of old people.
and i was quite angry also.
i just didn't want him to fall sick or whatsoever ok.
cuz i myself have said something stupid like that and fall sick.
and cuz quite angry (in heart la),
then forgot to tell him need to "touch wood" after saying all these very "choi" things,
although it was running through my mind yesterday..
this morning,
after sending my maid to LRT station,
reaching home,
near my house,
oh mad.
it really scared me.
just because i did not say "touch wood".
or what la.
do u know?
u might think it's stupid,
why this chean voon so superstitious one.
but if u have heard of it,
it's known as The Law of Attraction.
we attract things simply by what we think.
if u wanna know more about it,
u may read it from the internet.
of course,
we attract Negative things so much so much faster and easier than Positives one.
so don't be stupid and say,
"u know, i never caught in any accident"
and also don't be too naive
simply simple go say
"how come i never win in any lotteries one"
" how come i never get all HDs in my exam one"
"how come i don't earn a million a month like xxx"
and think it might happen overnight.
ya ya ya,
law of attraction.
but like what i've mentioned.
we attract Negative things so much more faster (faster than u could think of)
than positive things.
so dont play play ok.
just to tell u it's not just Pantang Larang.
and if u are interested,
there's this book,
"The Secret"
and if u think i'm bullshiting,
fine then.
i can't help it too.
good luck to u.
p/s: just wanna thank Guan Yin and Everyone else for blessing me and protecting me from that accident to happen.
p/s: just wanna thank Guan Yin and Everyone else for blessing me and protecting me from that accident to happen.
and people...
drive safe okie..
and have good thoughts.
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