I will going for Reiki Healing Level 1 This Saturday! (4th September 2010)
Anyone interested, do call the master surjit at 012 284 6615, or you may e-mail me at cheanvoon@hotmail.com should you have any query.
It's a course teaching and attuning you to Reiki Healing. :)
"Reiki (霊気, English pronunciation: /ˈreɪkiː/) is a spiritual practice developed in 1922 by Japanese Buddhist Mikao Usui. It uses a technique commonly called palm healing as a form of complementary and alternative medicine and is sometimes classified as oriental medicine by some professional bodies. Through the use of this technique, practitioners believe that they are transferring healing energy in the form of ki through the palms. "
( Wikipedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reiki)
Benefits of Reiki
1. Reiki can be used on animals, plants, children or any living being
2. Reiki is the highest form of healing energy, it is always safe and can never harm.
3. Reiki lasts a lifetime. Once you have the attunements, regardless of whether you use the energy consciously or not, it is always with you.
4. Reiki does not interfere with medical treatments; it actually enhances medications and assists the body to heal at an optimum rate
5. Reiki can be successfully combined with other healing methods and is a useful tool to have, which can be incorporated into daily life. It does not conflict with religious beliefs therefore it is a teaching that can be used by anyone.
6.It is available 24 hours a day, right there in your hands! :)
Let's become Reiki Healers, shall we?
begin with level 1, and if you are truly interested,
you can join the level 2 & 3, which enable you to do distant reiki healing.
It means that just by seeing a person's picture, wherever he or she is, you can channel healing energy to that person, anytime, anyplace!
can't wait for the attunement!!
God and People other than God has answered my prayers :)
Always wanted a room with good feng shui.
It's always been messy, pilling up, min suggested the relocation of the lacy chest drawers.
I've been busy, and wanted to do it later. you know, like later, like tomorrow, and that later and tomorrow never come.
Tonight i came home after Yoga, my room was neat. The room suddenly felt brighter.
My prayers were answered. I think it is Min who did it. I'm sure.
Thank You so much Min, I LOVE YOU!!!! :)))))))))))))))))
Touched :)
Currently spending more time on Yoga Centre. I'm so glad that at least one of my dreams, can be fulfilled there :) You know, i'm really glad and grateful about that.
I remember I have told sir about it. Maybe he did not plan it on purpose, maybe he don't even remember that i said something like that, but it just happen.
Really Thankful :)
By the way, i've started to use Melaleuca, and love the product every bit.
The natural products, a definitely go green product :) I'm Fashionably Green now, hehe :)
Yiung, you should try it soon, you environmentalist! Let's go shopping at Melaleuca Store.
For the US & UK friends, Melaleuca is there too. :)
Help to save the world, and protect your family from dangerous & cancerous chemicals from home products!
I think i will not be a good marketing executive for Melaleuca.
Because i love the products so much, and it will make me sound like a hardcore sales woman who will just tell every potential customers how good and how great the products are...........
I sound like i am in love with Melaleuca. By the way, i really am!
Yiung, at least i'm nearer by one step to your world now, Your Green World. :)
Oh yeah, maybe i should stop telling people how good the products are. Try it yourself.
And let the products speak the quality. :)
Always wanted a room with good feng shui.
It's always been messy, pilling up, min suggested the relocation of the lacy chest drawers.
I've been busy, and wanted to do it later. you know, like later, like tomorrow, and that later and tomorrow never come.
Tonight i came home after Yoga, my room was neat. The room suddenly felt brighter.
My prayers were answered. I think it is Min who did it. I'm sure.
Thank You so much Min, I LOVE YOU!!!! :)))))))))))))))))
Touched :)
Currently spending more time on Yoga Centre. I'm so glad that at least one of my dreams, can be fulfilled there :) You know, i'm really glad and grateful about that.
I remember I have told sir about it. Maybe he did not plan it on purpose, maybe he don't even remember that i said something like that, but it just happen.
Really Thankful :)
By the way, i've started to use Melaleuca, and love the product every bit.
The natural products, a definitely go green product :) I'm Fashionably Green now, hehe :)
Yiung, you should try it soon, you environmentalist! Let's go shopping at Melaleuca Store.
For the US & UK friends, Melaleuca is there too. :)
Help to save the world, and protect your family from dangerous & cancerous chemicals from home products!
I think i will not be a good marketing executive for Melaleuca.
Because i love the products so much, and it will make me sound like a hardcore sales woman who will just tell every potential customers how good and how great the products are...........
I sound like i am in love with Melaleuca. By the way, i really am!
Yiung, at least i'm nearer by one step to your world now, Your Green World. :)
Oh yeah, maybe i should stop telling people how good the products are. Try it yourself.
And let the products speak the quality. :)
Can you believe it?
I can't even find someone to watch it with me :(
ok i only asked yiung, but i dont know i am tired!!
i wanna watch it. maybe gonna watch it alone then. :(
i wanna watch it. maybe gonna watch it alone then. :(
別否認 你一定做過至少一样以下的蠢事!
Q1. 用手插入米缸的米裡面插來插去 ?
Q2. 地下有階磚時,特意隔一格一格來走(不可走過界,要完全在格內)
Q3. 用鏡面反射陽光,照來照去
Q4. 鋪張紙在硬幣上面,然後用鉛筆在上面描,描個形出來
Q5. 吃完口香糖之後,將糖紙包回原本四四方方的形狀出來
Q6. 超級市場踩著購物車行走
Q7. 貼張寫著「我是白癡、我是笨蛋 」之類的的紙條在同學的背後
Q8. 拍別人左邊 站在別人右邊 或 拍別人右邊 站在別人左邊
Q9. 踩別人的影子
Q10. 丟或踢別人門口的拖鞋
Q11. 下樓梯時坐在扶手上面滑下來
Q12. 在手扶梯上往相反方向走
Q13. 用螢光筆塗在指甲上
Q14. 下雨打傘,總是故意地轉那把傘
Q15. 家裡沒人時,對著鏡子學跳舞/演戲/唱歌
Q16. 在街上見到狗就扮狗(貓)叫,見到貓就扮貓(狗)叫
Q17. 下雨的時候,拿起傘故意往雨大的地方走去,聽雨啪啪的聲音感覺很爽
Q18. 玩墊包裝裡的那張有很多泡泡的塑料膜,把泡泡一個一個按破
How about you??
saw this in facebook, and just wanted to publish here for all you people to see it haha.
See how many silly things that we have done in the past, but sure will make us smile and smile again, even after so long :))
I secretly like doing Q14 the most. haha
And Min, er.. we just did Q6 at Ikea last week! feels so fun ! :P
Btw, just for you guys to have a great time laughing at your silly self ;)
p/s: Darling do you remember we have such great laugh at Tropicana City Mall about sms which says something like this? haha... and i know what u have done before hehehe :P
別否認 你一定做過至少一样以下的蠢事!
Q1. 用手插入米缸的米裡面插來插去 ?
Q2. 地下有階磚時,特意隔一格一格來走(不可走過界,要完全在格內)
Q3. 用鏡面反射陽光,照來照去
Q4. 鋪張紙在硬幣上面,然後用鉛筆在上面描,描個形出來
Q5. 吃完口香糖之後,將糖紙包回原本四四方方的形狀出來
Q6. 超級市場踩著購物車行走
Q7. 貼張寫著「我是白癡、我是笨蛋 」之類的的紙條在同學的背後
Q8. 拍別人左邊 站在別人右邊 或 拍別人右邊 站在別人左邊
Q9. 踩別人的影子
Q10. 丟或踢別人門口的拖鞋
Q11. 下樓梯時坐在扶手上面滑下來
Q12. 在手扶梯上往相反方向走
Q13. 用螢光筆塗在指甲上
Q14. 下雨打傘,總是故意地轉那把傘
Q15. 家裡沒人時,對著鏡子學跳舞/演戲/唱歌
Q16. 在街上見到狗就扮狗(貓)叫,見到貓就扮貓(狗)叫
Q17. 下雨的時候,拿起傘故意往雨大的地方走去,聽雨啪啪的聲音感覺很爽
Q18. 玩墊包裝裡的那張有很多泡泡的塑料膜,把泡泡一個一個按破
How about you??
saw this in facebook, and just wanted to publish here for all you people to see it haha.
See how many silly things that we have done in the past, but sure will make us smile and smile again, even after so long :))
I secretly like doing Q14 the most. haha
And Min, er.. we just did Q6 at Ikea last week! feels so fun ! :P
Btw, just for you guys to have a great time laughing at your silly self ;)
p/s: Darling do you remember we have such great laugh at Tropicana City Mall about sms which says something like this? haha... and i know what u have done before hehehe :P
Allow & have Gratitude
Allow, and things will flow naturally the perfect way.
Have Gratitude, and all great things will come easily.
It's not just the word 'thanks' or ' thank you', it is being grateful in your heart for all the things you have been given and enjoyed in your life,
but not having the thought that it's a must, or obligatory that others must provide this this that to you.
Well, if you know what i am trying to convey :)
Thank You Maxis for the super great plan! being loyal is a good thing shown here.
I have got many many free stuffs and rebates from Maxis hehe
Thank You so much!! I'm so happy. :))
Other than that,
on a rather low-vibes note,
people are dying one-by-one.
In just these few months.
I just got a news from sir that Joyce, someone i have met in the workshop (9 months long if not wrong), have just passed away last night.
A mother of a small daughter, not more than 4 / 5 years old.
I just saw the husband last tuesday getting some treatment CD from sir.
Well, the uncertainty of time of death.
Rest In Peace, Joyce. May all be good & fine.
Ah hun a jim, i hope you are at a more beautiful place now.
as you have done alot of good deeds, and have done alot of chantings :)
Two of them died of Cancer.
Yesterday, someone from Muar called my dad and said someone has just passed away.
I am unsure whether my dad is capable of handling so many death news or not.
Last week went Funeral for siu mui gu gu ( also cancer) , and came back receiving news that ah hun ajim just passed away too.
Luckily few ten minutes later, they called again, telling dad that the uncle who was announced dead by the family, was successfully saved by the doctor. phew..
people, please take very good care of your health alright?
For all the dead, hope all will be well and fine. hope all has ended all the suffering.
Well, that's all about it.
Should stop focusing too much about death & cancer & all that saddening things.
I hope Uncle Loh, will be recovering very soon.
Have Gratitude, and all great things will come easily.
It's not just the word 'thanks' or ' thank you', it is being grateful in your heart for all the things you have been given and enjoyed in your life,
but not having the thought that it's a must, or obligatory that others must provide this this that to you.
Well, if you know what i am trying to convey :)
Thank You Maxis for the super great plan! being loyal is a good thing shown here.
I have got many many free stuffs and rebates from Maxis hehe
Thank You so much!! I'm so happy. :))
Other than that,
on a rather low-vibes note,
people are dying one-by-one.
In just these few months.
I just got a news from sir that Joyce, someone i have met in the workshop (9 months long if not wrong), have just passed away last night.
A mother of a small daughter, not more than 4 / 5 years old.
I just saw the husband last tuesday getting some treatment CD from sir.
Well, the uncertainty of time of death.
Rest In Peace, Joyce. May all be good & fine.
Ah hun a jim, i hope you are at a more beautiful place now.
as you have done alot of good deeds, and have done alot of chantings :)
Two of them died of Cancer.
Yesterday, someone from Muar called my dad and said someone has just passed away.
I am unsure whether my dad is capable of handling so many death news or not.
Last week went Funeral for siu mui gu gu ( also cancer) , and came back receiving news that ah hun ajim just passed away too.
Luckily few ten minutes later, they called again, telling dad that the uncle who was announced dead by the family, was successfully saved by the doctor. phew..
people, please take very good care of your health alright?
For all the dead, hope all will be well and fine. hope all has ended all the suffering.
Well, that's all about it.
Should stop focusing too much about death & cancer & all that saddening things.
I hope Uncle Loh, will be recovering very soon.
Need more time, Really
Business Opportunities are all suddenly flooding in.
Perhaps because i am starting to read about Rich Dad Series by Robert Kiyosaki.
Some which i am quite committed to did not really seem to appreciate my talents & ideas.
Not saying that i have alot, but you know what i mean.
Perhaps i am still the youngest among them.
There goes people who think that it's always the older the wiser.
Rich Dad please guide me.
Should i take these opportunities?
Business Opportunities , when not taken at the right timing, will turn into Business Risk.
Do i have the money?
I mean should i really spend it now?
Risk & Reward.
I'm so sleepy. and the form is waiting for me.
am i capable of that?
Rich Dad said our reality is what we think is real.
Like the Wright Brother who kept pursuing their flying dreams, just when everyone else including their father was teasing them.
But now we all can fly everywhere because what was not possible, when thought possible, will be a reality when the right actions are taken.
And we really have to thank them both, for achieving something what everyone thought was unachievable, for believing it was possible.
Hmm.. business opportunities.. Now Time is the issue. & Money.
Will talk more about Rich Dad Series soon.
All should read it. No matter who you are..
The Little Red Book, 1926

Here you go,
the famous Little Red Book by R.H.Jarrett, as promised.
Read it now because it is only 5 pages in total.
click here for a slightly more colourful version. (but 12 pages!)
I still prefer the first one.
Is being positive wrong?
Some people will come to me telling me their problems.
What i always tell them is Think Positive, and Good Things will start to take place :)
Yeen now you have cases already, do you call my advice co-incidence?
hehe. I'm fine with that, because when these little miracles start to happen in the beginning, many would claim that as well, so i blame no one.
When i tell them, really trust me, just be positive and good things will happen right away!
Some would laughed at how naive i am.
Some would just said it right at my face uncontrollably: " aiyah! u don't understand lah!! u are thinking everything is so easy but in actual fact it is not anything like what u think!!"
" omg, u are overly positive lah."
But sometimes, things just happen naturally :)
They say all positive thinking but no action would reap me no rewards.
Yes, i don't deny a thing you say about the above statement. 'all positive thinking but....'
sometimes i wonder why it did not happen when i thought i was thinking positively.
and now i think i know why.
It's because of one thing.
u need 100% Faith + 0% Doubt in order to manifest anything you have been dreaming of!
When you start to doubt and be suspicious whether it works or not, it will not work, or maybe yes but takes a longer period.
I don't know, i am still in my experimental phase. :)
Faith. what is faith. one day, my brother-in-law happened to explain to me the difference between 'Believe' and 'Faith'.
'Believe' - meaning trusting when you can see it or you have seen it before.
'Faith' - meaning trusting even when there is nothing where you can base your trust on.
Why do we pray to GuanYin/ Jesus/ Buddha/ LordShiva / the God you workship to?
It is simply because we trust them.
but what kind of trust is that? is it believe? or is it faith?
Have you seen them yourself?
Why do you trust that they will grant your wishes and prayers?
Now if you understand,
You will know what kind of trust is that :) I'm sure you know the answer within you.
So to sum it up,
for positive thinking to work, you aint not doing anything.
You are removing all the doubts you have within you.
You are fully trusting yourself. You have full faith in yourself.
And that is when the good things will start to take place. :)
oh yeah, don't push / try anything too hard as well. because it doesn't really work.
just leave it, let it flow naturally, or let yourself be led by your feelings, things will start to happen :)
All The Best to all of you reading this!
p/s: I have an old book i accidentally came across online. published 1926. will let you know more about it perhaps later tonight, or within these few days!
What i always tell them is Think Positive, and Good Things will start to take place :)
Yeen now you have cases already, do you call my advice co-incidence?
hehe. I'm fine with that, because when these little miracles start to happen in the beginning, many would claim that as well, so i blame no one.
When i tell them, really trust me, just be positive and good things will happen right away!
Some would laughed at how naive i am.
Some would just said it right at my face uncontrollably: " aiyah! u don't understand lah!! u are thinking everything is so easy but in actual fact it is not anything like what u think!!"
" omg, u are overly positive lah."
But sometimes, things just happen naturally :)
They say all positive thinking but no action would reap me no rewards.
Yes, i don't deny a thing you say about the above statement. 'all positive thinking but....'
sometimes i wonder why it did not happen when i thought i was thinking positively.
and now i think i know why.
It's because of one thing.
u need 100% Faith + 0% Doubt in order to manifest anything you have been dreaming of!
When you start to doubt and be suspicious whether it works or not, it will not work, or maybe yes but takes a longer period.
I don't know, i am still in my experimental phase. :)
Faith. what is faith. one day, my brother-in-law happened to explain to me the difference between 'Believe' and 'Faith'.
'Believe' - meaning trusting when you can see it or you have seen it before.
'Faith' - meaning trusting even when there is nothing where you can base your trust on.
Why do we pray to GuanYin/ Jesus/ Buddha/ LordShiva / the God you workship to?
It is simply because we trust them.
but what kind of trust is that? is it believe? or is it faith?
Have you seen them yourself?
Why do you trust that they will grant your wishes and prayers?
Now if you understand,
You will know what kind of trust is that :) I'm sure you know the answer within you.
So to sum it up,
for positive thinking to work, you aint not doing anything.
You are removing all the doubts you have within you.
You are fully trusting yourself. You have full faith in yourself.
And that is when the good things will start to take place. :)
oh yeah, don't push / try anything too hard as well. because it doesn't really work.
just leave it, let it flow naturally, or let yourself be led by your feelings, things will start to happen :)
All The Best to all of you reading this!
p/s: I have an old book i accidentally came across online. published 1926. will let you know more about it perhaps later tonight, or within these few days!

我还不是很想睡 .. 喉咙有点不舒服,应该是发热气了.. 头也开始痛了起来.. 不该吃的roda snack 我吃了一整大包!! 该少吃的榴莲还吃得不少呢! 贪吃的后果啦..hmm.. There's so many things that i want to do right now. But still on and off. On is more for sure but sometimes i wonder is it that important to achieve all that? Do they worth my time and effort? My mom told me the other day, when we are young should work hard and 去拼 , 老了才可以"跷起脚"来坐享其成 . Maybe i should really give it a go. No matter what. I can still tell to myself. I have tried. :) let's do it for our youth shall we?
刚回到家 。
那把歌声, 有种扣人心眩的感觉...
原来真的是妈妈在K房 :)
妈, 您唱歌真好听!! :))
p.s: pheww.... 幸好不是什么鬼,不然我会怕的!!haha
Oh Yeah, 差点忘了,
Waiting for your new album :)
File Shopping!
My everything is everywhere in my room now :P
Especially papers! books! magazines! I have lots of them can go up to few tonnes i guess?
Should I read about the business tonight?
or should i do some cleaning & clearing of my room?
Btw i just bought lotsa lotsa files & folders from Popular today!
cuz i need them & they are really cheap!! price slashed!
Three 4-pockets file for RM7, (original price : RM 3.90 each)
Three 20-pockets Clear Folder for RM10, (original price: RM6.90 each)
Two Ring Folder for RM10! (Original Price: RM6.90-8.90 each)
'Zhong zi' I saved alot lah!
Happily back with so many files & folders,
hopefully able to help me clear my mess on the table!
Hmm.. I think I need a nice nice cupboard for my books & magazines.
They are flooding my room i am serious!!
Waiting for more money to come!
I think i'm gonna have a mini library for myself next time for sure!
with the ladder kind. :P
Ah..I like it!
It's a different department tomorrow.
Internal Auditing.
Let you know what,
actually since the begining i was so excited and eager to come to this department.
love to learn more everyday.
When announced about this change, from Sales to Internal Auditing,
my heart was pumping really fast.
I am feeling a little scared & nervous.
I don't know what, perhaps it's the uncertainty.
I guess it is normal. sometimes i feel that i am independent yet not all that independent.
I feel that i need more support from others nowadays. mentally i mean.
Hope everything would be alright at work.
Hopefully everything turn out fine.
* Fingers Crossed *
Wikipedia: To cross one's fingers is a hand gesture used to superstitiously wish for good luck or to nullify a promise. The supposed loophole of crossing one's fingers whilst making a promise is usually exploited by school-aged children.
Crossing one's fingers, by curling the middle finger over the index, is thought to bring good luck....
checking Wiki because this is the first time me using the phrase after seeing so many people using in the past!
First time seeing it was Lindsay Lohan who did it few times in her Parent's Trap Movie(1998). She looked really cute & pretty there :)
Anyone remember that scene? or have anyone watched it before?? :)
Cute Movie. Long Lost & Found with Identical Twin....
If you do notice at the side bar on my blog page i have added this widget box showing some quotations from whoever someone.
I just saw the recent one. It says something like:
" A business is not a good business if it is a business to make money and contribute nothing to the world "
Yeen! The business that i talked to you about does more than making money!!
It's about the Global Issues now! :))
My hands are trembling as i am so excited about this project.
I am uncertain when i'm going to begin it, but i sure am very excited about it. :)
After talking to you,
i couldn't agree more to what most have said that:
knowledge is power.
knowledge is something you gain and can't be taken away from others.
Knowledge is like an endless well you can never dry it up.
Knowledge is to learn everyday till your last breath.
and the key to knowledge,
the simplest way to gain knowledge is through GOOGLE!
Google Search I mean!
Yes! that method has been inspired to me by one of my ex-colleague.
He's such a knowledge-digger he learns so much he knows so much as his young age!
I start to google almost everything that i do not understand.
Well, busyness & laziness have stopped me quite a little, but i will continue now as i recalled!
It hurts nothing to know more! agree with me?
And one thing i do use up the Dictionary.com as well! :)
Let's talk about some Accouting now.
If some money are spent one-off where you do not gain any recurring benefits, it is being treated as an "Expense"
If some money are spent where you are going to gain recurring benefits in the future,
you call it an "Asset"
In ordinary terms, we call it as Investment.
So if we are spending money to gain more knowledge,
for example to take up some courses to gain more insights about something of any knowledge field,
we should treat it as Investment instead of an expense,
because certainly we are going to be able to use the knowledge in the future. the only thing uncertain is only the time as of when we are going to use it.
Even we are able to learn from whatever we have in our room, let alone the professional courses held outside.
You learn from the window : " look out for opportunities"
You learn from the clock : " Appreciate every tic-toc as there is no turning back"
You learn from the light : " Be a light shining upon everyone till your last breath"
And more and more if you are creative enough! :)
It all depends on how open are you to accept these little messages in life that are trying to guide you all along! :)
Good Luck to all who are pursuing anything!
May we all learn more and more everyday,
may we all gain more and more knowledge and grow wiser every second.
With Love.
I just saw the recent one. It says something like:
" A business is not a good business if it is a business to make money and contribute nothing to the world "
Yeen! The business that i talked to you about does more than making money!!
It's about the Global Issues now! :))
My hands are trembling as i am so excited about this project.
I am uncertain when i'm going to begin it, but i sure am very excited about it. :)
After talking to you,
i couldn't agree more to what most have said that:
knowledge is power.
knowledge is something you gain and can't be taken away from others.
Knowledge is like an endless well you can never dry it up.
Knowledge is to learn everyday till your last breath.
and the key to knowledge,
the simplest way to gain knowledge is through GOOGLE!
Google Search I mean!
Yes! that method has been inspired to me by one of my ex-colleague.
He's such a knowledge-digger he learns so much he knows so much as his young age!
I start to google almost everything that i do not understand.
Well, busyness & laziness have stopped me quite a little, but i will continue now as i recalled!
It hurts nothing to know more! agree with me?
And one thing i do use up the Dictionary.com as well! :)
Let's talk about some Accouting now.
If some money are spent one-off where you do not gain any recurring benefits, it is being treated as an "Expense"
If some money are spent where you are going to gain recurring benefits in the future,
you call it an "Asset"
In ordinary terms, we call it as Investment.
So if we are spending money to gain more knowledge,
for example to take up some courses to gain more insights about something of any knowledge field,
we should treat it as Investment instead of an expense,
because certainly we are going to be able to use the knowledge in the future. the only thing uncertain is only the time as of when we are going to use it.
Even we are able to learn from whatever we have in our room, let alone the professional courses held outside.
You learn from the window : " look out for opportunities"
You learn from the clock : " Appreciate every tic-toc as there is no turning back"
You learn from the light : " Be a light shining upon everyone till your last breath"
And more and more if you are creative enough! :)
It all depends on how open are you to accept these little messages in life that are trying to guide you all along! :)
Good Luck to all who are pursuing anything!
May we all learn more and more everyday,
may we all gain more and more knowledge and grow wiser every second.
With Love.
I'm always excited with predictions about my future,
whether through tarot card readings/online predictions.
And one thing great about me is that i only take in the positive predictions!
As i believe our destiny lies in our own hands, and if we remain positive, it is how the good things and great changes will take place in our life!
For you people who are overly negative, or taking all these predictions too seriously, i warn you not to try.
How if the predictions came out to be something really bad, are you able to accept it?
will you get panic and worry?
By the way that is not what i wanna say.
about the future i'm uncertain how accurate it is,
whether through tarot card readings/online predictions.
And one thing great about me is that i only take in the positive predictions!
As i believe our destiny lies in our own hands, and if we remain positive, it is how the good things and great changes will take place in our life!
For you people who are overly negative, or taking all these predictions too seriously, i warn you not to try.
How if the predictions came out to be something really bad, are you able to accept it?
will you get panic and worry?
By the way that is not what i wanna say.
I just wanna let you guys know that i saw this link in facebook.
Free Astrology Reading - note the word "FREE" cuz i'm not willing to pay any money for people to read about me yet. whether accurate or not :P
I went in, it just requires me to fill in a simple form with my personal details & email address.
And promise to send me my astrology report 2-3 days later.
I was quite excited i checked my mail almost everyday after I have submitted my form!
And i'm so happy the astrologer- just replied me with my Astrology Reading!
My Personal Astrology Reading, as promised no later than 2-3 days!!
It was a rather long report.
but when she talks about my character, it is like so accurate!
And the best thing is Everything's Free!
but if you would like to know more in details of your FUTURE, you need to pay extra lah.
but i think the first astrology report is sufficient!
I feel more excited about life now!
If you are interested to know where, let me know, i might be able to give you some guidings as to where to go about. :) To get the Astrology Reading from her i mean!
But firstly, ask yourself, are you ready to know the truth, or whatever seem to be the truth, whether positive or negative?
New Blog Look
Hi all,
a little bored with my old blog skin.
accompanied me for quite some time.
Thank You. Appreciate it much.
I'm currently looking for nice blogskin!
this should be the temporary one.
How's the header? nice? I like it. :)
I'm good now.
Do msg me in the new chat box!
the previous one i have dumped it sorry because it doesn't show the date & time.
Everything New!!
I miss everyone. seriously
especially those who are so far at the United States.
Good Night all, will continue my renovation of the blog some other day:)
I need love. I need hope. I need harmony within body mind & soul.
damn i feel like crying.
in fact my tears are out already.
I danced like shit today.
and exam is like this saturday.
my partner has 9 other partners.
& we hardly practiced together.
I can't feel him.
It sucks not to dance with feel with the partner.
and i dont know everything seems wrong today about dancing.
i was making pasta & maid nearly cut my leg off.
no i mean the knife slipped and cut my leg.
i am lucky as it was nothing serious.
i am feeling so lonely inside i need some love.
i need support
i need love
i need care
i am deprived of all that now which makes me feel loved & wanted.
I am quite tired of dancing cuz everything seem so wrong suddenly.
help me.
i just feel like crying like a baby
maybe it's just dance
a PASS is sufficient.
maybe i am expecting too much from myself.
i don't know.
just felt super down & emo & i need love
in fact my tears are out already.
I danced like shit today.
and exam is like this saturday.
my partner has 9 other partners.
& we hardly practiced together.
I can't feel him.
It sucks not to dance with feel with the partner.
and i dont know everything seems wrong today about dancing.
i was making pasta & maid nearly cut my leg off.
no i mean the knife slipped and cut my leg.
i am lucky as it was nothing serious.
i am feeling so lonely inside i need some love.
i need support
i need love
i need care
i am deprived of all that now which makes me feel loved & wanted.
I am quite tired of dancing cuz everything seem so wrong suddenly.
help me.
i just feel like crying like a baby
maybe it's just dance
a PASS is sufficient.
maybe i am expecting too much from myself.
i don't know.
just felt super down & emo & i need love
Just a little something of myself
Why do people's voice getting louder & louder when they are arguing even though they are standing at the exact distance?
They say it is because their hearts are getting further and further away from each other,
hence they feel a need to raise their voice...
By the way, just felt like writing it I don't know why.
I am a very random person. Very random, i say very random things, i do very random things, i like very random things.
Some people might think that i am weird, but i can only say every one is unique in a different way.
And so i should feel special about myself.
Recently have been admiring this HK artist - Fang Da Tong.
Khalil Fong, a very great composer, a sing his heart out soul-singer,
a very humble artist.
I admire his talent alot.
He is getting so famous now, yet he remains so simple & humble.
一点架子都没有! I admire that alot.
I wonder how can someone sing so greatly, how can someone produce such great music.
He is really my role model.
We might be in a different field, but it's all that essence that i want and wish to learn from him.
I met him yesterday, he is so real. but i felt like it was just like a dream.
You know what i mean?
I was hoping to hear him sing at least one or two songs...
well, hope to see him at the Timeless Concert.
May 29. I can't wait until this date, and i don't want it to come so fast too, as i might just be there and ta.. it's already the end of the concert. :(
How nice if he can have few concerts here in Malaysia.
I will go for all. I don't know.
I feel the soul connetion between him & his singing. I really enjoy his live performance. It always give me surprises.
On the other note, i just watched IP MAN 2 叶问 last Sunday.
First time sitting at the third row, the screen was so HUGE!
But now i find myself different already.
I am willing to try out anything,
I am willing to live life a different manner than normal routined ones :)
I am more allowing these days , and i feel that i enjoy things more, even the little & insignificant ones.
by the way, the movie was great. I had an enjoyable moment watching it, despite sitting so near to the screen.
I like the way IP MAN remain so calm and silent about his talent and ability in KungFu.
I understand that we need not to act like someone GREAT to let others know that we are really great. One day people will come to know..
Just like IPMAN. He is so quiet about himself.
but when he starts to fight, the entire world knows about him.
Martial Art - to train your patience, you are just fighting within yourself, not others. :)
I felt like learning Martial Art already!
I have not been a very patient person...
Learned that in a movie - The Legend of Chun-Li too...
I don't know .. I have many dreams.
when i see others are good at something, i wish to learn up as well.
but they say we should be focused, step-by-step, one-by-one .
And they say occupation and hobbies are two different thing.
Why are we working?
to earn an income to support our hobbies, ie. what we love to do.
some who are really lucky have the opportunity to turn their hobbies into their jobs,
for those who have not,
we will work hard, wait, i mean work smart together,
earn lotsa money,
so we can have freedom later.
we can support what we love to do.
and slowly turn our hobbies into our job!
Meaning, earning income doing what we love to do.
I would want to learn the piano again.. :)
There are so many things to be done.
I think i should be positive about work.
I should be more serious about my job now.
I should not see it now,
i should see the happiness i can gain later in life with the money earned.
I should be long-sighted!!
I'm sorry for making anyone worried.
I will be back to normal soon (:
I will forgive those who have hurted me..
I know because they all felt insecured,
they feel better when they put me down, when i am embarrassed.
I truly undestand now.
I should listen to Sir.
I should look at the picture,
not be in the picture.
I should have deeper understanding in every single things.
then what i thought was really big deal, would just be a tiny little small things.
I will try. I will try.
1. allow things to happen & flow naturally.
2. allow others to embarass/say what they wanna say, it's all their choice.
3. Enjoy every moment in life, and never feel shy to do what i love to do or enjoy doing, as this is my life, it's all about me, myself, and my only self.
If i care too much about what others think, i am living their life, i am wasting my time, that is for sure.
4. Be less calculative. Every cause there is an effect, for every good deed we do, there will be a good return. It is just a matter of timing.
5. Keep my room tidy at all time. It's my room, it's my responsibility.
6. Be more diciplined. Being diciplined meaning doing something no matter like or not out of obligations.
I felt like the mess in my room are one of the causes in making my mind feeling so confused and messed up.
I just cleared my wardrobe today.
I have been buying too many clothes.
I love myself.
I wanna stop here. good bye.
Yes, and i wanna thank Khalil Fong for being one of the supports in my life.
Sometimes when i feel lonely, when i feel left out, when i feel like nobody undetstands me, noone is beside me to support what i wanna do,
i listen to his songs.
It calms me down.
He is just a like a close friend.
Thank you so much Khalil.
They say it is because their hearts are getting further and further away from each other,
hence they feel a need to raise their voice...
By the way, just felt like writing it I don't know why.
I am a very random person. Very random, i say very random things, i do very random things, i like very random things.
Some people might think that i am weird, but i can only say every one is unique in a different way.
And so i should feel special about myself.
Recently have been admiring this HK artist - Fang Da Tong.
Khalil Fong, a very great composer, a sing his heart out soul-singer,
a very humble artist.
I admire his talent alot.
He is getting so famous now, yet he remains so simple & humble.
一点架子都没有! I admire that alot.
I wonder how can someone sing so greatly, how can someone produce such great music.
He is really my role model.
We might be in a different field, but it's all that essence that i want and wish to learn from him.
I met him yesterday, he is so real. but i felt like it was just like a dream.
You know what i mean?
I was hoping to hear him sing at least one or two songs...
well, hope to see him at the Timeless Concert.
May 29. I can't wait until this date, and i don't want it to come so fast too, as i might just be there and ta.. it's already the end of the concert. :(
How nice if he can have few concerts here in Malaysia.
I will go for all. I don't know.
I feel the soul connetion between him & his singing. I really enjoy his live performance. It always give me surprises.
On the other note, i just watched IP MAN 2 叶问 last Sunday.
First time sitting at the third row, the screen was so HUGE!
But now i find myself different already.
I am willing to try out anything,
I am willing to live life a different manner than normal routined ones :)
I am more allowing these days , and i feel that i enjoy things more, even the little & insignificant ones.
by the way, the movie was great. I had an enjoyable moment watching it, despite sitting so near to the screen.
I like the way IP MAN remain so calm and silent about his talent and ability in KungFu.
I understand that we need not to act like someone GREAT to let others know that we are really great. One day people will come to know..
Just like IPMAN. He is so quiet about himself.
but when he starts to fight, the entire world knows about him.
Martial Art - to train your patience, you are just fighting within yourself, not others. :)
I felt like learning Martial Art already!
I have not been a very patient person...
Learned that in a movie - The Legend of Chun-Li too...
I don't know .. I have many dreams.
when i see others are good at something, i wish to learn up as well.
but they say we should be focused, step-by-step, one-by-one .
And they say occupation and hobbies are two different thing.
Why are we working?
to earn an income to support our hobbies, ie. what we love to do.
some who are really lucky have the opportunity to turn their hobbies into their jobs,
for those who have not,
we will work hard, wait, i mean work smart together,
earn lotsa money,
so we can have freedom later.
we can support what we love to do.
and slowly turn our hobbies into our job!
Meaning, earning income doing what we love to do.
I would want to learn the piano again.. :)
There are so many things to be done.
I think i should be positive about work.
I should be more serious about my job now.
I should not see it now,
i should see the happiness i can gain later in life with the money earned.
I should be long-sighted!!
I'm sorry for making anyone worried.
I will be back to normal soon (:
I will forgive those who have hurted me..
I know because they all felt insecured,
they feel better when they put me down, when i am embarrassed.
I truly undestand now.
I should listen to Sir.
I should look at the picture,
not be in the picture.
I should have deeper understanding in every single things.
then what i thought was really big deal, would just be a tiny little small things.
I will try. I will try.
1. allow things to happen & flow naturally.
2. allow others to embarass/say what they wanna say, it's all their choice.
3. Enjoy every moment in life, and never feel shy to do what i love to do or enjoy doing, as this is my life, it's all about me, myself, and my only self.
If i care too much about what others think, i am living their life, i am wasting my time, that is for sure.
4. Be less calculative. Every cause there is an effect, for every good deed we do, there will be a good return. It is just a matter of timing.
5. Keep my room tidy at all time. It's my room, it's my responsibility.
6. Be more diciplined. Being diciplined meaning doing something no matter like or not out of obligations.
I felt like the mess in my room are one of the causes in making my mind feeling so confused and messed up.
I just cleared my wardrobe today.
I have been buying too many clothes.
I love myself.
I wanna stop here. good bye.
Yes, and i wanna thank Khalil Fong for being one of the supports in my life.
Sometimes when i feel lonely, when i feel left out, when i feel like nobody undetstands me, noone is beside me to support what i wanna do,
i listen to his songs.
It calms me down.
He is just a like a close friend.
Thank you so much Khalil.
Oh my god.
She made me feel like dancing again!
I mean dancing to modern songs!
Just, just like a Circus.
I miss dancing with you already.
those days during PBSM Installation!!!!
you get to perform my dear britney's songs!!
I felt few years younger suddenly.
Do you read my blog?
The exact question should be
Does anyone actually read my blog anymore??
It's something I want to know.
Maybe I'm just being too egoistic.
Maybe it's all the insecurities inside.
How can someone be so popular like Xia Xue?
Anyone can just follow her blog like daily?
It's nice to know that there are people who love what you write.
I mean, those who loves to know what you feel.
those who agrees with your stand.
those who just cares about what is going on with you!
Perhaps it's a little late.
It's making me talking a little like i'm drunk.
I get drunk easily.
Even without liquor.
Ah. Good Night. It's already 4.30am!
Time & Tide comes only once
Hi All,
It's 2am in the morning.
Simply can't fall asleep.
Despite the fact that i'm feeling extremely sleepy and tired myself.
Perhaps just blog a little to update you all about my life.
Been sleeping quite late these few days.
having difficulty in sleeping.
Insomnia we call that.
Just like now!
Have eating disorder too.
Been eating alot these days.
more than 6 meals a day i'm sure.
I even can have supper twice.
let alone the double dinner double lunch...
Some times i wonder.
Is it being nice?
Is it being untrue to ourselves?
Is it pretending to be nice?
Is it call faking it?
Or It's just letting it go.
And allowing things to happen in whatever way they are meant to.
been reading alot these days.
I love reading.
Sometimes it's quite difficult to read from cover to cover,
time constrained.
Talking about time,
I still have not given my full respect to Time yet.
Still being late.
Still Sleeping late.
Still being last minute.
Still underestimating the time i need to get ready.
the time i need to reach a particular place.
Need to really change that habit.
Sometimes i felt nice that i am on time,
and others are later than me.
It makes you feel calmer somehow.
Should really respect time.
And stop letting others wait.
Oh yeah.
Should stop all the Procratinating too.
Day-dreaming is good.
It's good to have dreams i know.
But all dream but no actualization are just time wasted.
Treasure time Everyone! (:
Long journey

Yeah this is the place i sleep.. Haha. First time sleeping along the corridor! The wide window beside, i can see many stars out there! It's so clear and bright. I should have studied about them before i come! Haha. Enjoying myself here! Three hours plus to reach to destination... Listening to my mp3 while being in and off dreamland! I like the feeling. I can feel it's gonna be a fantastic one.. I will be back! Love ya all. ;-)
Life is a puzzle.
It makes you think alot.
Sometimes excessively.
Cracking my head thinking why and why everything is happening?
what causes them to happen?
Why and why oh why sometimes when we wanted something so much, yet it does not come.
Is it playing games with us?
Sometimes something or someone came into our life, call it something or someone negative,
then they left, with full relief u thought to yourself that phew... finally it's all over,
yet u simply do not know why and how, the similar event you thought u have escaped may happen to you again, few months or few years later,
the same person who was bothering you, once again enters into your life, out of nowhere,
sometimes when you are about to forget them completely...
I don't know.
Life is full of challenges awaiting us to battle and fight at all time!
People. Human beings.
The only living thing that has the most similiarities with all of us,
are in fact the hardest living things for us to live in harmony with.
Sometimes when your evil-ness i call that, when your evil-ness does not reach that level yet,
you might keep wondering why on earth did this person do such terrible things to those around him,
what made him/her do such a dirty deed....
I don't know.
I read a book. Ami.
He says that when our heart is filled with love,
then everything we see, everything that appear in front of us will look beautiful.
Nothing will be ugly.
Is it true? Really true?
on another note,
I noticed i have been acting weird these passed few days.
Because of what someone has said and done.
Trying to tease,
Trying to put me down,
Trying to embarass me in front of everyone...
I'm so scared because i did not show any temper.
I did not show any temper because i didn't want the relationship to just spoil like that.
I still need to work with this person in the future...
I'm just scared if i just keep everything inside, it might cause me bad health!
I feel a little unsafe now.
from that day onwards..
I feel quite empty outside even if the place is filled with people.
I kept waiting for the same things to happen again like how it used to,
but it always disappoint me. :(
Something i did, they told me the person would normally do the same thing as well..
keep telling me about the person.
Perhaps i should just let go and just let it all go.
but it's not easy.
something that was carved in the memory.
It was not just sandcastles.
which can be demolished easily..
I dislike people coming and just leave like that.
although what they say,
It makes you think alot.
Sometimes excessively.
Cracking my head thinking why and why everything is happening?
what causes them to happen?
Why and why oh why sometimes when we wanted something so much, yet it does not come.
Is it playing games with us?
Sometimes something or someone came into our life, call it something or someone negative,
then they left, with full relief u thought to yourself that phew... finally it's all over,
yet u simply do not know why and how, the similar event you thought u have escaped may happen to you again, few months or few years later,
the same person who was bothering you, once again enters into your life, out of nowhere,
sometimes when you are about to forget them completely...
I don't know.
Life is full of challenges awaiting us to battle and fight at all time!
People. Human beings.
The only living thing that has the most similiarities with all of us,
are in fact the hardest living things for us to live in harmony with.
Sometimes when your evil-ness i call that, when your evil-ness does not reach that level yet,
you might keep wondering why on earth did this person do such terrible things to those around him,
what made him/her do such a dirty deed....
I don't know.
I read a book. Ami.
He says that when our heart is filled with love,
then everything we see, everything that appear in front of us will look beautiful.
Nothing will be ugly.
Is it true? Really true?
on another note,
I noticed i have been acting weird these passed few days.
Because of what someone has said and done.
Trying to tease,
Trying to put me down,
Trying to embarass me in front of everyone...
I'm so scared because i did not show any temper.
I did not show any temper because i didn't want the relationship to just spoil like that.
I still need to work with this person in the future...
I'm just scared if i just keep everything inside, it might cause me bad health!
I feel a little unsafe now.
from that day onwards..
I feel quite empty outside even if the place is filled with people.
I kept waiting for the same things to happen again like how it used to,
but it always disappoint me. :(
Something i did, they told me the person would normally do the same thing as well..
keep telling me about the person.
Perhaps i should just let go and just let it all go.
but it's not easy.
something that was carved in the memory.
It was not just sandcastles.
which can be demolished easily..
I dislike people coming and just leave like that.
although what they say,
Hi all!
Is it true that I'm really growing up?
Tomorrow's already Chinese New Year Eve,
Yet not feeling anything festive.
I don't know.
I feel so calm that i don't feel the urgency yet to tidy up my Messy Room!
I don't know.
Maybe everything will be gone with the wind.
Memory will fade.
Time will heal.
Tic Toc.
All should be happy tomorrow ok.
Be a super good human being,
stop bringing troubles to those around you.
do only the good things, carry only the good thoughts, speak only the good words.
Work is OK for me.
But i fell sick for the second time this month.
Like you know the whole package.
am feeling better now.
Hope the first day of CNY i'm all Recovered! :)
Do enjoy yourself to the fullest during this CNY.
Laugh it real :)

It says:
Be a little more of yourself and others will join you.
You don't need anyone's approval in the way you live your life.
You have been a little too giving.
Yes i find it very true.
I think i have been too giving in already.
I think the limit has reached.
And i'm not gonna give in no more.
Too bad on you If i am not in a good mood.
You know who you are,
stop being so negative,
or i think i might not even pick up your calls anymore.
It's so stressed out,
to cheer u up again and again,
yet i don't see any improvement.
If you know what i mean.
You better keep your promises.
You better.
Yes i am in a very ruined mood.
I am sick.
Tomorrow works gonna resume.
And i'm sick.
It's crazy.
I hope I don't hear all the craps from anyone in the office from tomorrow onwards.
Or i might just explode and give you a few slaps.
Just to tell you i'm not really good at faking it.
Especially faking a smile when i'm totally pissed.
My day is all ruined.
i feel like shouting and screaming non-stop now.
i rushed from there,
and i did not get something that i need.
And today is already the last day of promotion.
damn shit.
i think young people should learn more on how to respect those who are elder than they are.
should learn how to be more well-mannered.
should stop making me feel like giving a few slaps on their faces.
Yes i am angry.
I am indeed very furious.
I was rushing all the way.
was talking to a friend.
and then received many calls from them.
then i told the friend i was going to call back.
Last minute plan.
And wish that i can reach like immediately
and the friend was angry.
thought that it wasn't and important call.
made the friend waited so long.
was rushing for mom's present as well.
It's such a crazy night.
When i was driving just now.
I couldn't stop myself
but to pressed the horn,
just to relieve my anger abit.
Yes u can say u will roughly know how a person act by the way they drive.
I hate it when i get no respect.
I hate it most.
i feel like shouting and screaming non-stop now.
i rushed from there,
and i did not get something that i need.
And today is already the last day of promotion.
damn shit.
i think young people should learn more on how to respect those who are elder than they are.
should learn how to be more well-mannered.
should stop making me feel like giving a few slaps on their faces.
Yes i am angry.
I am indeed very furious.
I was rushing all the way.
was talking to a friend.
and then received many calls from them.
then i told the friend i was going to call back.
Last minute plan.
And wish that i can reach like immediately
and the friend was angry.
thought that it wasn't and important call.
made the friend waited so long.
was rushing for mom's present as well.
It's such a crazy night.
When i was driving just now.
I couldn't stop myself
but to pressed the horn,
just to relieve my anger abit.
Yes u can say u will roughly know how a person act by the way they drive.
I hate it when i get no respect.
I hate it most.
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